Sources of Knowledge

narachnikA manual for preservation and sustainable use of medicinal and aromatic plant species and habitats has been published. The book will facilitate the work of resource management specialists and be of use to lecturers, students, herb buyers, nature lovers and anyone interested in Bulgaria’s wealth of herb species.

Handbook for journalists working on the topic of herbs – containing the most important information on medicinal plants, their use and conservation, as well as the messages necessary for creating publications, broadcasts and campaigns on the subject.

Gathering Quality Herbs while Conserving Their HabitatsThe “Gathering Quality Herbs while Conserving Their Habitats” poster, which presents sustainable medicinal plant collection rules was created and distributed in the active collection season of 2014. It contains information about the most popular MAP species gathered and cultivated for economic purposes. The rules within it are to serve collectors and aid the sustainable use of herb resources.

Leaflet for CollectorsA leaflet, primarily targeting collectors has been issued by the project team! It gives a detailed explanation of the rules, which must be kept in order to ensure good collection practices and includes the most essential advice for MAP cultivation. Important practical information and contacts of the project team are also included, in order to encourage further research and questions from the target audience (collectors and buyers of medicinal and aromatic plants; farmers interested in cultivation of MAPs; entrepreneurs; all “clients” of the Mobile Info Center, and the attendees of the MAP Fair).

*A high quality digital version of the leaflet or the poster are available for print reproduction upon request! Please use the website contact form to request it!